Why The Indie Music Industry Is Taking Over Mainstream Music
The indie music scene has been growing and why we believe it won't stop here.

Indie Music

There's a revolution happening in the music industry, and it has nothing to do with mainstream artists. Indie music is on the rise, and it is taking over the charts. Why is this happening? What is causing this shift in popularity?

Indie music is taking over mainstream music because it offers a fresh sound, cultural capital, and financial opportunities that appeal to indie artists and fans. Overall, indie music is appealing because it provides artists and fans with a unique and creative outlet.

This blog post will explore the indie music scene and discuss why it is becoming so popular. We will also look at the benefits that indie artists are experiencing and see why the future of music belongs to them!

Why Indie Music is On the Rise

The indie music scene has been growing steadily for years, but it has recently exploded in popularity. Several factors have contributed to this rise. Below, we will explore some of the most important ones. Let’s dive into what makes indie music so popular.

1. Increased Accessibility

One reason is the increasing accessibility of streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. These platforms make it easier for people to discover new music and have helped to level the playing field for indie artists. You no longer need to be signed to a major label to get your music out there – you can upload it to Spotify, Deezer, iTunes, and other streaming platforms and reach a global audience.

2. Social Media Promotion

Another factor is the rise of social media. Platforms like Instagram and YouTube have given indie artists a new way to connect with fans and build a following. These artists can connect with their fans directly without going through a major label.

Being able to skip this step gives them a significant advantage. They can release new music more quickly and directly respond to their fans' feedback. This direct connection is one of the things that fans love about indie music.

3. The "Indie" Aesthetic

Finally, the music industry's current state is driving people towards indie music. The mainstream music industry is increasingly focused on pop music and EDM, which has alienated many music fans. Indie artists are filling this void by creating the type of music people crave.

The result of all these factors is that indie music is now more popular than ever. In 2018, indie artists produced eight top 10 songs on Spotify's Global Viral 50 chart. On Apple Music, the top 10 songs on the US charts were all by indie artists. And on YouTube, the top 10 music videos were all by indie artists.

These numbers show just how much the mainstream is being dominated by indie music. And it's only going to continue – the rise of indie music shows no signs of slowing down.

4. Financial Opportunities

Indie music offers more financial opportunities for artists than mainstream music. Indie artists can make money from streaming services but have different ways of monetizing their music. They can release albums and merchandise, tour, or even license their music for use in TV shows, films, and video games.

These opportunities give indie artists more control over their finances than ever before. They can make money from multiple sources, making them more independent and earning a living from their music.

Indie artists are helping to push the indie music industry forward with fresh ideas and without the restraints of mainstream music.

What are the Benefits of Indie Music?

The rise of indie music has brought many benefits to artists and fans alike. Indie music allows artists to express their creativity without the constraints of major labels. This gives them more freedom and control over their music and allows them to explore. Below, we'll look at some of the other benefits.

It's Easier to Get Your Music Out There

For artists, the most obvious benefit is that it's easier than ever to get your music out there. As we mentioned before, platforms like Spotify and Apple Music make it easy to reach a global audience. And with social media, you can connect with your fans directly and build a following without a major label.

Lower Music Production Costs

This increased accessibility has also led to a decrease in the cost of making music. Previously, you needed to spend thousands of dollars on studio time and equipment. Now, you can produce professional-quality music at home with just a computer and some essential software.

This has made it possible for more people to pursue a career in music. And it's also led to a decrease in the barriers to entry – it's now easier than ever for new artists to break into the scene.

New & Better Music For Fans

For fans, the rise of indie music has increased the variety available. With so many new artists emerging, there is much more to choose from than there was in the past. And because these artists are independent, they can experiment and create the type of music they want to make without conforming to the demands of a major label.

This increased variety is suitable for music fans, as it gives them more options to choose from. And it's also ideal for the music industry, as it helps to keep people interested in music.

The Future of Indie Music

The future of indie music is looking very bright. The scene has been growing steadily for years and shows no signs of slowing down. With the increasing accessibility of streaming services and social media, more and more people are exposed to indie music. And as the mainstream music industry continues to focus on pop music and EDM, more people are turning to indie artists for the type of music they want to hear.

So what does the future hold for indie music? It's hard to say for sure, but one thing is certain – the rise of indie music is changing the music industry for the better. And it's only going to continue to grow in popularity.


The indie music industry is taking over mainstream music, and the rise of this genre has brought many benefits to both artists and fans alike. It's now easier than ever for artists to get their music and produce it at lower costs. Fans now have access to a wider variety of music. They can discover the type of music they like without conforming to what the major labels dictate.

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