Where To Find Indie Music Funding Sources
We explore easy & simple ways to fund your music dreams.

Music Funding

As an independent musician, one of the main drawbacks of not being a signed artist is inconsistent funding. Making money as an indie act isn’t impossible but it can be difficult to know where to look to find some extra support and resources. These also vary from location to location, so depending on what region of the world you live in, you’ll have to search accordingly.

However, we can help narrow your search down and give you some tips and tricks about where to look, whom to ask, and what to do in order to get some additional help.

1.    Look for government-backed grants and websites

Googling which, if any, grants your government has dedicated to artists, musicians, composers, producers, and performing artists can be a great starting point. Every government in the world has some program or other in which they try to support creative and innovative ideas in the arts. So, looking for government-backed ones can be a good idea.

However, it goes without saying that the competition for these grants will be fierce, everyone will be competing for them, so make sure you have reasonable expectations from them and stay realistic.

Plus, if you do receive the grant then make sure to use them just as you say you will in the proposal in order to not get into trouble with the authorities, each penny given is vetted and if any wrongdoing is found then there can be serious consequences. Two such websites that you can check out are Candid and artisttrust.

2.    Hosting a fundraising event

If you have a substantial social media following and can collaborate with another indie artist or two to host a local fundraising event, then this can also be another great opportunity to collect some funds from people who already are supporting you. You can also offer fans a meet-and-greet opportunity and give them backstage passes if they pay at a certain tier.

Offering exclusive access and photo ops can be a great way to make fans feel special too, so not only can you make money, but you can even use the entire event as a PR stunt to give fans what they want: more quality time with their favorite artist or band.

3.    Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing websites like Indiegogo, Kickstarter, Patreon, and ArtistShare are all online communities that help people make money to achieve their goals and ambitions. This can be a great way to collect some funds to work on a new album, use it to go touring, or pay other business-related expenses.

Just keep their terms and conditions in mind, because you have to show fans what their money is being used for, periodically. You can also send them signed merchandise whenever they pledge, to add a little something extra to sweeten the deal.

Such websites can truly give you a lot of resources if used the right way, so it's worth it to spend some time understanding their mechanics and seeing how other similar struggling artists are using them to their benefit.

Raising money or finding funding can play an important role in building your brand and getting your music heard.

4.    Taking a loan, freelancing, or getting a part-time job

Even though you want to be able to make music full-time, sometimes that isn’t always possible, and being a little more realistic can help you stay balanced in life. So, if you want to fund your music and can’t find any of the other aforementioned means in this list helpful, then it can be wise to start looking into other side hustles that can make you some quick cash.

Getting a loan, starting an online freelance position, or getting a part-time job can all be ways to earn some extra cash that you can dedicate solely to your music. In this way, you won't be accountable to anyone about how you spend the money and will always have some cash available whenever your music business requires some.

5.    Build your social media presence

We’ve talked about how important social media is for an indie artist many times on this blog before, but its importance can never be overstated. If you garner enough support for your brand online, then you can monetize your social media and have a constant stream of passive income just accumulating for yourself and your music.

This is again a great source of income because you are not accountable to anyone for the way you spend that money. So, working on creating an image for yourself or your brand is crucial in today’s day and age. Scroll through social media, especially TikTok to see how independent artists are using the space to get their fandoms engaged and how they interact with them.

Interact with other musicians and get invited to their podcasts or YouTube videos or even jam together on Twitch, whatever way you can, you must make sure that your social media is relevant, updated, and consistent. It can bring you benefits that you probably never dreamed of.

Similarly, sending making and sending electronic press kits or EPKs to members of the local press active on social media can also get you some mileage. Try working with local radio stations and local media to promote your image and get some sponsorships, no matter how small!

Where to find indie music funding sources can be a difficult task, especially if you don’t know how to start or what to look for, but if you start with the steps we’ve mentioned in our list, stick to them and see them through, we’re sure that you’ll be able to find at least one or two avenues that work for you.

The process won't be easy but with dedication and commitment, anything can be achieved. Don’t lose heart and stay motivated to put your best foot forward, always and you’ll truly never know where opportunity comes knocking from.

Take on local gigs, perform in small bars, clubs, birthdays, or wherever else you get the opportunity even if it is for free initially, you never know who's listening in the crowd.


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