How To Write An Indie Artist Bio
If you're looking to create a compelling artist bio, we help you every step of the way.
Maybe you haven't thought about it, but every indie artist has gone through a process of analysis, interpretation, and knowledge when writing their biography. For many people, it can be strange to talk about themselves, but in these cases, the reader needs to know in brief who the artist is and what he or she does.
Even if you have a band, having a biography can give you many advantages because the public can feel identified with anecdotes, stories, or experiences that each member has lived throughout their life.
Being part of the music industry is a dream for many indie artists who are just starting their music career, but it can gradually become a reality. To impress record labels, investors, and music directors, you have to have a well-written biography. This means no spelling or grammatical errors, keep an eye out.
However, a bio is more complex than it sounds, but it's also a lot of fun! If you want to write a biography that will entice the reader to keep reading, it must arouse interest and curiosity.
Take note and stay with us because after reading this article you will be able to write one of the best biographies ever!
Biographies can be found on the artists' websites, articles about them, interviews, or internal notes that appear on the albums. A bio has to be able to provide the most important information about the artist, that is to say, go straight to the point. But this doesn't mean it has to be boring! You have to be able to show your personality through tone and narrative.
Millions of people have discovered their favorite bands and artists through their bios. So, before we get into the details, here's what you should include in your first bio.
- A clear and striking description of you (or the band).
- Share your story, and talk about unique or personal moments.
- Define what kind of music you make, what it sounds like, and what qualities it has.
- Achievements so far, and if possible, a quote from a magazine, festival, or another artist you have worked with.
You must be attentive and keep it constantly updated; any progress or achievement you have made is important. Also, remember to write it in the third person! Even though you are talking about yourself, you are not having a conversation with the reader.
Most artists have three versions of biographies. That is a short, medium, and long biography. What is this for?

Writing an indie artist bio is a personal and private topic that will be shared publically. Just like creating your music, you have to put yourself out there.
The Short Form Version
The short version is the most used. It can be used in any social network, but you must keep in mind that it can't be more than 120 characters. In this version, you can mention the genre of music you make, and the names of the members of your band (if applicable). Also, you can mention if you are touring or a URL where your website is located. Anyway, social networks have the option to link your Spotify, Itunes, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, or any other streaming service.
The Medium Form Version
The medium version can be very helpful. It is the one that appears on your website, and can even be sent to festivals or any event where you are going to present your music. This means that a lot of people can get to read it, so it's a perfect opportunity to get the reader's attention.
We recommend around 250-400 words. You can write an introduction that will entertain the reader, either by talking about your most recent album or release. You can also talk about yourself, and what inspired you to get started in music or you can mention collaborations you have done with other artists and future projects, such as upcoming concerts.
The Long Form Version
The long version is the one that takes more time to write, as it has a different purpose. It is generally aimed at industry professionals who may be interested in your work or journalists and reporters who want to write an article about you. It can be around 600-800 words. So remember, this version is not for your fans.
In this case, start by talking about your product in detail, who recorded it, where it was recorded, who or what inspired you, what difficulties you had, and how you feel about the final result. You should explain why the project is so important to you.
If you are an independent artist who has been in the music industry for a short time, don't worry. Focus on the short and medium versions first.
A common mistake made by artists is lying when writing their biographies. You must be honest and avoid using cliché phrases that don't contribute anything to the reader. Remember that bios are the bridge between new fans and your music. You have to help them to be more interested in you.
Now that you have the keys to writing an interesting biography, get to work! There is always a first time for everything, don't let fear stop you. In many parts of the world, some people are eager to meet an artist like you, just make yourself known. We know it's a slow process, many times people tend to ignore the biographies of bands and artists, but if they have existed for decades it is because they are necessary.

Being authentic with your bio is important as being a fake and a phony will only take you so far. Just be yourself.
Indie artists are making more music than ever before, and having a properly written bio can boost your music career exponentially. Don't get left behind and start writing yours!
We recommend that after writing your bio, send it to one or two friends, and ask them to give you their opinion. People who are not directly related to your project are the ones who can give you the best suggestions.
If their opinions are similar to what you want to express, you're on the right track. But if not, no problem, you can rewrite it until you achieve the desired result. You have to feel comfortable and satisfied with the final version.
And finally, here's some advice. Don't exaggerate about your achievements! Nobody likes braggarts, humility is very important.