How To Maximize Your Productivity as an Indie Artist
We'll show you how to be productive so have more time to make more music.

Productivity Hacks

In this blog post, we'll introduce you to our top productivity hacks that can help you get going with both your music and other tasks in your life. As an indie artist, your free time is what you are fighting for so if we can help you get your other tasks done quickly then it's a win.

So, it's time to get productive and allow yourself more free time to create the music you love. Keep reading and I'll show you the tips that have worked for me.

Quick List of Productivity Hacks To Start With

1. Make a list of everything you need to do in a day, week, or month. This will help you prioritize your tasks and ensure that you're making time for the things that are most important to you.

2. Break down large projects into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help you stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

3. Set aside some time each day for "unscheduled" activities. This will give you the flexibility to take care of unexpected tasks or simply relax and recharge.

4. Schedule some "me" time into your week. This can be used for hobbies, exercise, or anything else that helps you relax and unwind.

5. Delegate, delegate, delegate! If there are people in your life who can help you with your workload, then don't hesitate to ask for their assistance.

6. Make use of technology to automate repetitive tasks or keep track of deadlines and appointments. There are many helpful tools available online and on your mobile devices.

7. Get plenty of rest and exercise; both are essential for maintaining focus and energy levels throughout the day. Taking care of yourself will help you be more productive in the long run.

1. Create a Routine Based on Your Productivity

My first productivity hack is to build productivity into your routine. That means setting aside time each day—or each week—for tackling those big projects you've been putting off. For most, first thing in the morning is the most productive time of the day. You wake up early and get to work right away so you can get it out of the way and enjoy the rest of your day guilt-free.

2. Make it an All-day Event

My second productivity hack is what we call "an all-day event" That means setting aside an entire day—or even a weekend—to focus on a specific task or project. This hack works well for big projects that require uninterrupted blocks of time to complete effectively. It also helps to have a dedicated workspace set up so you can stay focused and avoid distractions.

Maximize your work time so that your productivity allows you more time to create music.

3. When Are You Naturally Most Productive

This hack goes hand-in-hand with the one above. Many of us mistakenly think that we should be productive all day long, but that's just not realistic—or sustainable. The key is to figure out when you're naturally most productive and then make the most of that time.

For us, that time is first thing in the morning, but it might be different for you. Once you know when you're at your best, schedule your most important tasks for that time slot and save the less critical ones for later in the day.

4. Start While Your Willpower Is Energized

We've all been there: we start off the day full of energy and motivation, only to find ourselves dragging by lunchtime. Our hack for dealing with this midday slump is what we call "striking while your willpower is energized". In other words, use that initial burst of energy to power through as much work as possible so you don't have to rely on willpower alone later on.

5. Visualize The Entire Task

Another one of my favorite hacks is to start with the end in mind. That means visualizing what you want your finished project to look like before you even start. This hack is especially helpful when starting something new or daunting. By picturing yourself holding the finished product in your hands, you'll be more motivated to see it through to the end.



6. Include Regular Breaks

You might think that taking regular breaks would make you less productive overall, but I disagree—and science backs me up. Our brains can only focus for so long before they start to wander, which makes us less effective at completing tasks quickly and accurately.

To combat this, I recommend taking breaks every 20 minutes or so—even if it's just for a couple of minutes at a time. During these mini breaks, stand up, stretch, grab a snack, or take a walk around the block. Just make sure you're not spending your break scrolling through social media or checking email, as this will only serve to distract you further.

7. Combine Related Tasks With Each Other

Combining similar tasks is another one of our favorite hacks because it saves so much time in the long run. For example, if you need to write three blog posts, do all your research for all three posts at once instead of doing a little here and there every time you sit down to write.

Or if you're working on a design project, batch all your design work together instead of sprinkling it throughout your week. Not only will this save you time in terms of switching gears between tasks, but it will also help you maintain focus and get into a flow state more easily.

Take Control of Your Motivation

These are just a few of my favorite productivity hacks. By building productivity into your routine, starting with the end in mind, striking while your willpower is hot, figuring out when you're naturally most productive, making a day of it, batching similar tasks together, and taking regular breaks, you can achieve any goal —big or small.

So what are you waiting for? Give some of these hacks a try, share them with your friends, and see how they work for you.


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